Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to Basics

A while back, a friend of mine from school, Todd Dejong, needed some traditional animation done.  I grabbed this scene from his Senior Film, shown here in storyboard animatic:

I took these keys and animated them, first by timing them, breaking them down, testing, and finally inbetweening them.  The result is the following pencil test:

The finished scene is actually two scenes; Scene 18 and Scene 20.  As Scene 20 is based off the business of Scene 18, I animated them as a single sequence.  Todd then took the pencil test and, with the help of animators Liz Skaggs and Karina Gazizova, inked and colored them.  I believe he may have altered the timing a bit as well, but since he's the director, let's not hold it against him.  These are the finished scenes:

It was very nice to flip some paper again.  The opportunity doesn't arise very often, and it was a pleasure to go Old School once more!  Thanks Todd!